Law Office of Migration Institute of Australia

The Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) is the professional association for Australian migration service providers worldwide, working together for the benefit of Australia.

Firm Overview

The Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) is the nation’s leading professional association for migration agents. The members of the MIA accept their responsibility to their clients and the community and shall always act in a way that enhances the integrity of the profession. All MIA members must meet strict requirements, they must firstly be nominated and seconded by a Member, probity checks are then carried out and applications are then referred to a membership committee for consideration. Final membership approval is granted by the Board of Directors. MIA members must abide by the MIA Code of Ethics and Practice in order to join and remain a member of the Institute. The MIA stands for the highest professional standards in its dealings with its stakeholders such as Federal and State Governments, Ministers, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, and skills assessing authorities. The MIA regularly liaises with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection with its fellow stakeholder, the Law Council of Australia, with whom the Institute shares many members.

Main Office

83 York Street 
New South Wales 






Office Information

Office Hours

No Opening Hours Provided

Office Manager

Languages Spoken


Migrating To Australia

Studying in Australia

Become a Migration Agent

MIA Submissions

MIA Policy

THe Bedge (LAW-1000110 )

bedge's firm in austrilia


testing philosophy

duplicate (LAW-1000120 )
